
Stonecastle and our partners have substantial international experience in supporting small, medium and large companies and others in undertaking reviews of organisational performance, governance and development, supporting those organisations to create and implement highly effective strategies to reflect, understand and act on opportunities to improve and create growth.

With a substantial background in organisational growth, Stonecastle provides clients with a suite of highly effective tools to support them in implementing meaningful and sustained. change, improving the experience of employees and improving the effectiveness of our client organisations.

our expertise

Our experts include former national and international leads, experienced board level executives and senior clinicians from a range of professional background including nursing, paramedicine and can leverage a substantial network of subject matter experts including Clinical Human Factors, Regulation, Organisational Development, Leadership Development, Data Analysis,  Safety Science and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Organisational Reviews

Stonecastle offers our clients a range of professional services, supporting our clients with developing evidence-based reviews of systems, governance and processes to support regulatory and Accreditation compliance. Further, Stonecastle offers expert advice around the development, commissioning and quality assurance of programs at all levels within both a UK and North American context.

Search Services

Our company offers high-quality search functions and services to help businesses find the right talent for their organisation. We work closely with your team to understand your unique hiring needs and use a range of methods to source and screen qualified candidates. Whether you need help filling a single position or building out an entire team, our experienced team can help you find the right candidates.